One of the tell tale signs that I am stressed out is that I will wake up at 4:00 a.m. For no particular reason and it doesn't matter when I went to bed or how tired I am. It is such an inconvenient time because it's almost too late to try and go back to sleep. I end up laying there for an hour - hour 1/2 trying to fall back asleep only to have to wake up 30 minutes later. Seriously no fun.
Enter Calm. It's not a magic pill or even a sleeping pill. It's basically magnesium. Yep a mineral. Apparently, when we are stressed, our body becomes depleted of this vital mineral. It's also not the easiest mineral to find in foods.
Calm is great because it's a powder. You mix it with a little water, drink and bam, it's in your body doing its job.
This isn't going to cure your stress overnight, but seriously, it really helps. Find it at most health food stores, Whole Foods, etc.
What else do you do to fight stress?
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